Organic Farming Year-Round With Our Profitable, Energy-Efficient Solar Greenhouse IS Possible!
The Friendly Commercial Series Aquaponic Solar Greenhouses are designed specifically for year-round organic farming in any climate, and grow 11.85 times as many plants as other aquaponics systems per square foot of greenhouse floor area, at one-seventh the cost per plant space! Why is this a big deal? Because, unless you have a trust fund, you need to make a profit doing organic farming. Our greenhouses do!
It’s also a big deal because our greenhouses and aquaponics systems are USDA certified organic! There’s nothing more important for your organic farming operation that to be certain you can get certified organic. This is because organic produce often brings twice the price of conventional produce; you can’t afford to pass up this extra organic farming income for no extra work.
(Below) Showing half of a small (1,200 square feet) commercial aquaponics system in a greenhouse.
In addition, we supply unlimited free lifetime technical support for all of our products! Details on our “Support” page. None of the others in this business offer you this. Even if they were willing to, they couldn’t, because they don’t have the depth of actual experience that comes from doing aquaponic organic farming for a living, as we do.
Click here to purchase the DIY Commercial Aquaponic Solar Greenhouse package ($1,998) which includes our $999 “Commercial Aquaponics DIY” package
Click here to see “What You Get” included in the Commercial Aquaponic Solar Greenhouse package, and for more technical information
Please click here to see the long list of “What You Learn” as part of this course (they’re similar but different).
This is a video of the largest commercial aquaponics operation (TBOK) in the world (built by one of our students) in action:
In 2010-2011, Susanne developed a deepwater raft plant nursery system for accelerating plant growth in aquaponic organic farming that puts 4 times as many plants per square foot of raft area into the system as “a well-known university’s” or “a well-known aquaponics consultant’s” systems do. Combined with our design for the Chinese-style Solar Greenhouse, this aquaponics technology puts 11.85 times as many plants into the greenhouse per square foot of greenhouse floor space (this is different than raft area). Because greenhouses are expensive per square foot compared to growing outdoors, what’s most important is how many plants the greenhouse holds per square foot. It’s simple: ours hold almost 12 times as much as theirs do per square foot of greenhouse space! Also, ours are USDA Organically Certified, the MOST important thing for a successful organic farming operation.
(Below) Just one of our friend Shumin Wang’s three 11,460 square foot Solar Greenhouses operating in Chikin Cun Wei Hui, Yulindian, Mouping, Yantai, Shandong Province: this is serious cold country in the wintertime!
Click here to purchase the DIY Commercial Aquaponic Solar Greenhouse package ($1,998) which includes our $999 “Commercial Aquaponics DIY” package
Click here to see “What You Get” included in the Commercial Aquaponic Solar Greenhouse package, and for more technical information
Please click here to see the long list of “What You Learn” as part of this course (they’re similar but different).
(Below) Another photo of Shumin’s Greenhouse and Chinese “water vegetables” (there is no English word for them!).
Here’s the approximate organic farming production from the three largest sizes of Commercial Aquaponic Solar Greenhouses:
- The 3,472 square foot greenhouse, with a footprint of 36 feet by 96 feet, holds 19,038 plants in 2,161 square feet of raft area and 300 square feet of sprouting table area, for a total plant density of 5.48 plants per square foot of greenhouse floor area. Plant production of 340 to 1,000 pounds of vegetables per week; fish production of 20-30 pounds per week.
- The 4,629 square foot greenhouse, with a footprint of 36 feet by 128 feet, holds 24,213 plants in 2,784 square feet of raft area and 368 square feet of sprouting table area, for a total plant density of 5.23 plants per square foot of greenhouse floor area. Plant production of 460 to 1,400 pounds of vegetables per week; fish production of 30-45 pounds per week.
- The 6,944 square foot greenhouse, with a footprint of 36 feet by 192 feet, holds 38,076 plants in 4,322 square feet of raft area and 600 square feet of sprouting table area, for a total plant density of 5.48 plants per square foot of greenhouse floor area. Plant production of 700-2,100 pounds of vegetables per week; fish production of 40-60 pounds per week.
We appreciate the people who defend our Constitution; we offer a 50% discount on EVERY product we sell to military personnel: whether active duty or retired, even Coast Guard! However, if we published signup links for veteran’s discounts, EVERYONE would be a vet, and we’d spend the rest of our lives trying to get them to send us their ID cards.
So, to take advantage of this discount, email me (Tim) at (take out the SPAM!), with a photocopy of your military ID card, and tell me what you’d like to purchase; I’ll email you instructions on how to do it. We appreciate our vets, and not just with a bumper sticker!
The best way to get an energy-efficient aquaponic solar greenhouse for year-round organic farming is to build one yourself using our DIY manuals and plans package. It includes seven different sizes of Commercial Aquaponic Solar Greenhouse: the 24-foot wide, 4-trough series, which comes in three sizes of 1,536; 2,304; and 3,072 square feet, and the 36-foot wide 6-trough series, which comes in four sizes of 2,314; 3,472; 4,629; and 6,944 square feet.
Designed with integrated aquaponic organic farming systems (they’re NOT just conventional greenhouses with fish tanks and troughs stuck in them, which is what you get from others) they are the most energy-efficient and productive year-round growing structures the world has ever seen. If built well, and according to the plans, they are durable 30-year-plus structures just like a house is. If you’re already doing organic farming in the soil, one of these greenhouses will allow you to continue farming (and bringing in income!) year-round.
They are designed for extreme climates: they will continue organic farming production year-round whether you have snow outside or 105-degree heat. They are efficiently insulated structures. They incorporate 3 sources of largely passive solar heating for wintertime use, as well as 3 different methods for low-energy summertime cooling using largely passive methods.
Although our Chinese-style greenhouse designs are perfect for extreme climates (such as Mr. Wang’s in China), and we’d love to see you build one; we will also be the first to say they may be overkill for your climate. Because affordable construction is so critical to the success of a commercial aquaponics organic farming operation, and we want to give you as many greenhouse options as possible, our Commercial Greenhouse manual includes information on how to build less expensive, energy-efficient greenhouses that are not only appropriate for your climate, but also for your budget.
For example: there is a whole manual section devoted to purchasing used greenhouses, disassembling them, bringing them home, then reassembling them in the Chinese configuration: oriented long direction East-West, with heavily insulated North and end walls, insulation under and around the troughs and fish tank, and energy-efficient passive solar heating and geothermal cooling technologies. If you follow these simple instructions, you can end up with a nearly new (yet still incredibly energy-efficient) greenhouse for pennies on the dollar.
Here’s a testimonial about how economically you can get involved in greenhouse aquaponics by following the instructions in our greenhouse manual:
“Hi Tim, My son, Carl and I attended the training in Texas this year. Just to give you an update. The Sunday after the training, I was coming home from the church I pastor and passed by a co-op that has several greenhouses out front that seemed not to be in use anymore. I drove through to check them out and they were not in use.
A couple of months later, well, we are now the owners of the 7 greenhouses and all that comes with them! We were able to purchase all 7 for $2800. My son and I begin deconstructing them on Thursday.
I’m attaching a couple of photos for you to look at them. They have propane heaters, roll up sides, boxes and lights for electricity, fiberglass front and rear walls, and a lot of odds and ends that I believe will come in handy.
I am so glad we listened when you spoke on ways to find greenhouses without spending a fortune. It has been tempting to just “jump in” but I’m glad we waited.
Thank you and many blessings, Rob Rolison “
FYI, the average cost of those seven greenhouses if purchased new from a greenhouse company would be around $9,500 each, or a total of $65,500. Rob and his son saved $62,000 by using the instructions in our greenhouse manual.
We’ve been doing CAD design work professionally for 25 years, and so, the 19 “D”-sized architectural sheets of CAD greenhouse construction plans that come with your package meet Building Department requirements in most jurisdictions; although they may need to be stamped by a local architect or engineer.
When you purchase this plans package you also receive the full set of CAD construction plans (and materials lists for the aquaponics systems inside) for two smaller greenhouse series at no additional cost: the “Family” series of 608; 1,216; and 1,824 square feet; and the “Micro” series of 200, 300, and 400 square feet. This allows you to build a small, economical greenhouse as a “trial horse” at a low cost before investing a large amount in a major installation. This is advantageous since you always figure out improvements when you build the first one, and this will create savings when building your larger installation.
The complete DIY Commercial Greenhouse package includes our DIY Commercial Aquaponics package; this publication includes everything we know about making money with commercial aquaponic production.
Randy Campbell’s 200-square foot Generation 2 Micro Aquaponic Solar Greenhouse in the snow in Tennessee, Winter 2012-13. Outside air was 24 degrees (plus some wind chill), air temp inside was 74 degrees, water temp 72. I turned into an icicle because I was the only one stupid enough to be outside standing in freezing sleet taking this photo (I never knew what “sleet” meant before this!)
Study Plans: the sample PDF plan sheets below can be printed on a 36-inch by 24-inch Architectural “D”-size sheet of bond at your local Office Max or Staples if you wish to see a plan sheet at full-size.
Click here to purchase the DIY Commercial Aquaponic Solar Greenhouse package ($1,998) which includes our $999 “Commercial Aquaponics DIY” package
Click here to see “What You Get” included in the Commercial Aquaponic Solar Greenhouse package, and for more technical information
Please click here to see the long list of “What You Learn” as part of this course (they’re similar but different).
Click here to view Friendly Aquaponic’s slideshow for our “Aquaponic Solar Greenhouse”
Susanne with the newly-covered Hawaii Aquaponic Solar Greenhouse (Farmer’s Market 550 square foot size), January 30, 2012
Basil and tomatoes in the first Farmer’s Market ASG, showing planting densities, some greenhouse structure, and raft troughs.