Concrete Fish Tank Discussion
Concrete fish tanks (because of their labor and materials costs) usually cost as much or more than solid fiberglass tanks do. However, if you have free gravel and labor, [Read more…]
Concrete fish tanks (because of their labor and materials costs) usually cost as much or more than solid fiberglass tanks do. However, if you have free gravel and labor, [Read more…]
We can’t say, “this tank is best”, or “that tank is no good“; because this varies widely depending on what is available locally, local labor costs, climate requirements and other criteria [Read more…]
Our systems collect “solids” until they are 2-3 inches deep in all eight of the 80-foot long troughs; we’ve coined a technical term for this: crud. It comes from [Read more…]
How to determine if your troughs need additional airstones: You can determine if you need aeration in your troughs by measuring the DO going into the trough, and comparing it to the DO going out, but the system must have mature plants [Read more…]
If you don’t feel like reading this whole post, and just “want the facts”, here they are: If the water exiting your fish tank has a DO of 5 or above, you’re good. If the water exiting your troughs has a DO of 4 or above,
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This is a looong post; we couldn’t figure out any sensible way to divide it into separate posts. It covers High Density aquaponics systems, which are systems that are designed to raise a maximum amount of fish. [Read more…]