2018 Commercial Solar Greenhouse Aquaponics Training!
This page gives you in-depth information about our 2018 four-day group aquaponics training which includes: the 3-day Basic Aquaponics Technology Training and the 1-day Solar Greenhouse Technology Training.
Click here for training testimonials.
Here’s “What You Get” as part of the 3-day Basic Aquaponics Technology training:
Our 359-page Commercial Aquaponics Training manual, which includes the following from the Table Of Contents:
Here’s “What You Get” as part of the 1-day Solar Greenhouse Technology training:
2. Our 119-page Family Aquaponic Solar Greenhouse manual, which includes the following from the Table Of Contents:
3. 4 days of technical lectures on profitable commercial aquaponics in greenhouses, along with extensive Q&A, whiteboard diagrams, and hands-on demonstrations in the greenhouse. Recording is allowed!
4. Lifetime Technical Support via email, if you’ve actually built and are operating an aquaponics system of our design.
You also receive a link for DropBox (the premier web “deposit box” service), where you can download the approximately 1 Gb of additional information that comes with this course. We will also be happy to put this on your thumb drive at the course itself, so you can go home with it. This information includes, but is not limited to:
A. In the DropBox “Main” folders: Complete CAD drawings for four different sizes of aquaponics systems: 256, 512, 1,024, and 4096 square feet; plus nine complete CAD drawings for greenhouses from 200 square feet up to 1,824 square feet in size. Also: published papers on trout aquaponics, Third World aquaponics, productive fish stocking and harvesting methods, and more.
B. In the DropBox “Certification” folder: Instructions, application forms, fee schedules, MSDS sheets for commonly used materials, and much more information on USDA Organic Certification; plus templates, Standard Operating Procedures, Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) plan and checklist for FDA Food Safety Certification, along with written explanations and contact information for the agencies.
C. In the DropBox “Financial” folder: The “Single Crop” and “Multiple Crop” income projection spreadsheets plus complete instructions for using them; two business plans (one of which landed us a $100,000 loan); and instructions for web-based credit card processing.
D. In the DropBox “Slideshows” folder: The twenty-five PowerPoint slideshows and videos that we use during the four days of our live trainings, for the Aquaponics Technology Training and the Solar Greenhouse Training.
E. In the DropBox “Manuals” folder: The complete Plywood Epoxy Fiberglass Tank Manual, the Micro System manual, and the Tabletop System manual.
Our live aquaponics training and commercial DIY packages come with complete plans, materials lists, and step-by-step construction information for SIX different sizes of proven aquaponics systems from 64 up to 4,096 square feet in size (we’ve built and operated them all for at least five years), and six different sizes of greenhouses with integrated aquaponics systems from 200 square feet up to 1,824 square feet in size.
We ALSO teach you how to custom-design systems of 10 to 100,000 square feet in size; other teachers WON’T give you this information, because they either can’t, or it might mean you wouldn’t need to hire them as consultants and buy expensive stuff from them.
In addition, if you actually build a commercial-scale system, we support you via email at no additional charge when you have questions about construction or operation. We’ve heard that others won’t even answer emails unless you pay them to. There are many who are teaching “commercial aquaponics” who have little or no experience actually growing things for a living. We have been doing this profitably for eight years now, and we have a guarantee: If you take one of our courses; build one of our systems, and are not satisfied, we will refund your money 100%. That’s the guarantee we make!
We know of a well-known aquaponics consultant who requires you to sign a form stating that you won’t offer aquaponics training or consultant services for two years after taking their training. We have no idea if others in this field are encouraging you to teach with their help, but we doubt it. In contrast, we WANT you to teach aquaponics, and encourage all who take our courses to become teachers to spread this valuable information.
As soon as you have a Micro System built and operating, you can start giving aquaponics courses in your area, using our copyrighted materials, under an affiliate agreement with us (contact us for details).
The three-day Aquaponics Technology Training:
This training gives you all the aquaponic technology we’ve developed over the last seven years. It includes comprehensive information on: vegetable varieties that grow well in aquaponic systems; planting, germinating, sprouting, and nursery techniques for vegetables; low-cost and efficient tilapia breeding, egg hatchery, fry care, and fish nursery techniques; aquaponics system design and construction from 2 square feet up to 100,000 square feet; site design and greenhouse design and construction; AND our new “Plywood Tank Construction Manual” with full-color pictures and procedures for building your own 30-year fiberglass/epoxy/plywood fish and breeding tanks.
The course materials consist of: complete materials lists and suppliers contact information that makes it easy for anyone to build any size system; an accompanying set of detailed CAD plans including site plans and piping schematics for six different sizes of aquaponics systems from 64 up to 4,096 square feet in size; an “Aquaponics Course Manual” covering all aspects of aquaponics, and an operations manual with checklist covering the day-to-day operations of a commercial aquaponics system.
You’ll also learn everything we learned this past seven years building and operating five USDA organically certified aquaponics systems, a tilapia fry and egg hatchery and nursery, a State of Hawaii Health Department Certified vegetable processing facility, and most recently, improved water circulation and aeration designs that use as little as one-tenth the electricity for pumping water and aerating fish and plants that our original improved designs did.
The technology training includes three full days of classroom instruction with additional hands-on instruction at our farm or our affiliate’s farm each day. We have been continually improving construction economy in our systems for the last five years so that now you can build a 1,024 square foot “small” commercial aquaponics system for $7,000 in materials (in Hawaii), or about $5,500 in materials on the mainland. This type of system construction will save you tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in expense as compared to buying commercial “kit” systems, while giving you the only aquaponics systems in the world that are organically certifiable, something the “kit” systems can’t do.
Organic vegetables bring from 40% to 100% more than non-certified vegetables, and this simple fact means that much more income for your farm. We also developed a “sloped grading” technology for aquaponic farm locations that are hilly, which saves up to 80% of the grading costs of making flat “pads” to put your troughs and fish tanks on, and that is included with these plans. In addition to showing you how to design and size equipment for your own custom aquaponics systems from 10 to 100,000 square feet in size, we include a step-by-step “Construction Manual” complete plans and materials lists for three different sizes of outdoors aquaponics systems: a 1,024 square foot system expandable to 4,096 square feet; a 256 square foot system expandable to 512 square feet; and a 64 square foot system expandable to 128 square feet.
In addition, plans and instructions are included for four indoor/outdoor systems from 2 square feet in size up to 32 square feet. These small systems can be operated outdoors under natural light or indoors under flourescent lights, so you can easily build a small, inexpensive system to gain experience and confidence with aquaponics whether or not you have an outdoor space to grow in. It’s easy to graduate to the larger systems after building and operating a smaller one.
The one-day Aquaponic Solar Greenhouse Training:
We’ve come up with an awesome greenhouse and aquaponics system combination that can ALSO be used with hydroponic nutrient solutions, that puts 6.85 times as many plants per square foot of greenhouse space into the solar greenhouse as our competitor’s raft-based systems can. The Solar Greenhouse is NOT the same as conventional oil-guzzling “Controlled Environment Agriculture”, it is a completely new, sustainable, affordable, and energy-efficient combination of technologies.
As a result, the solar greenhouse has a cost per plant to build and operate that is one-tenth (or less) the cost of ANY current technology on a per-plant basis. Also, you are NOT limited to aquaponic growing, because this greenhouse will work with standard hydroponic growing solutions or our organically approved hydroponic growing technology if you want organic certification.
Although we’d make a lot more money by licensing our greenhouse and aquaponics systems technology to manufacturers, we feel the world doesn’t need more of that. We know it would only delay the arrival of a beneficial technology on the market, as well as make it cost far more. What the world needs is economical ways for people to feed other people, no matter what their climate or weather. We’re here to help with that.
The one-day Profitable Aquaponics Training:
We call this our “money day” because it’s all about how to make a profit (and a living) with commercial aquaponics. We cover USDA Organic Certification, Food Safety Certification (both GAP and HAACP); how to find a farm and make sure it’s organically certifiable; NRCS cost sharing for “nearly free” greenhouses and soil conservation practices for your farm (this is where the Federal government gives you some of your tax dollars back, if you just know how and where to apply for them); USDA”New Farmer” loans up to $100,000; business plans and how to write one; how to predict whether your business plan can make a profit, using our exclusive “Crop Prediction Spreadsheets” written by aquaponic farmers for aquaponic farmers; all the different markets you can sell into and how much produce they can absorb; how to sell to Farmer’s Markets, CSA’s, wholesalers, retailers, “Big Box” stores, and direct to your own neighbors; how to “ramp up” successfully from selling ten pounds of produce to hundreds or thousands; how to structure your business: corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship;
This greenhouse may look expensive at first glance, but it is inexpensive on a per plant basis, which is all that matters.
These commercial aquaponics systems grow a lot of food in a small space with high energy efficiency. However, our commercial aquaponics training will not magically turn you into a successful business person (as we say “Don’t quit your day job just yet!”), so please make sure you get business training from local sources in addition if you do not already have experience running a successful business. Please note: information on aquaponic system construction and operation is not part of this course, but is covered in the three-day Aquaponics Technology Training.
Click here for training testimonials.
Your Personal Trainers for the Commercial Aquaponics Training: Susanne Friend, the owner of the company (with degrees in biology and chemistry) is your personal trainer for questions and issues regarding organic certification, plant and fish diseases, sales and marketing, value-added processing, fish hatchery and nursery design and operation, water and aeration questions, and water quality questions. Tim Mann (technical staff) has been doing architectural and civil engineering design and drafting since 1990, and was an authorized AutoCAD dealer for 7 years during that period. Tim handles comprehensive system design and site-specific aquaponics questions as well as technical issues having to do with tank, piping, aeration, pumping, and electrical design. Tim also supplies civil, structural, electrical, and mechanical engineering services for those projects needing code-compliant plans and certifications for their local building departments.
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