Aquaponic Inspiration To Get You Moving
You will build the aquaponic systems that change the way the world grows its food, so that everyone has enough to eat. To do that, you need to understand systems.
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Trough Liner And Construction
The original liner material for the troughs that we used in our first systems in 2007 (which is already approved for organic certification by Oregon Tilth) is a 23-mil, 3-layer, 15-year laminated LDPE material [Read more…]
Concrete Fish Tank Discussion
Concrete fish tanks (because of their labor and materials costs) usually cost as much or more than solid fiberglass tanks do. However, if you have free gravel and labor, [Read more…]
Fish Tank Discussion
We can’t say, “this tank is best”, or “that tank is no good“; because this varies widely depending on what is available locally, local labor costs, climate requirements and other criteria [Read more…]
Growing LOTS Of fish
High Density (HD) Versus Low Density (LD) Systems
Low Density Systems (LD) We developed our LD systems after receiving many requests for an economical, viable, off-grid aquaponics system [Read more…]
So You Still Want To Do An Experiment
This section was all derived from “experiments” done by us or one of our students, with sometimes disastrous results. If it says to not do something in this blog, there is a solid reason behind that recommendation! [Read more…]
Which System For Me?
People often ask “what’s the best aquaponics system?”. We wish there was a simple answer for that, such as “Home Depot model 42”. The answer to “what’s the best system for you” is [Read more…]
General Principles of Hydroponics And Aquaponics:
About aquaponics and hydroponics: many people think aquaponics is just a kind of hydroponics. The two systems are VERY different. First, hydroponics systems are quite susceptible to disease outbreaks [Read more…]
What Doesn’t Work:
Here’s a list of system components, techniques, and ideas for systems that we know don’t work, OR can have serious problems when applied on the commercial level, with some of the reasons why [Read more…]
Food Safety Certification For Aquaponics
Food Safety Certification, also known as the FSMA (Food Safety Modernization Act, a new Federal law), which just went into effect on October 31st, 2015, is an inspection and certification program [Read more…]